Swan Kim
Randy Hunt
Swan Kim: Still can't get metamask to connect to the EVMOS network
Swan Kim: Still a NO connection for me either
Swan Kim
Stonez: Randy Hunt
Is this the same issue as claiming rewards?
Also, what do you mean that you can't get MetaMask to connect to the Evmos network? You can address this by checking the following:
* Did you check whether you're running other EVM-based wallets at the same time?
* Did you check you're running on an RPC that's valid? Connect to either https://evmos-evm.publicnode.com or https://evmos.lava.build/
Let me know if you're facing the same issues.
Randy Hunt
Swan Kim: OK, my metamask will connect to the EVMOS network now, however when I try to claim rewards I'm getting this error. "Error broadcasting tx. BROADCASTEIP712_TRANSACTION_REQ
Swan Kim: I had been able to connect to the point can see my staked balance and reward balance, it was just failing the signature request, but it actually worked today on maybe the third try. I did update my RPC from Chainlist, and on the second try it was able to claim rewards.
Randy Hunt: I get exactly the same error when trying to claim rewards. Error broadcasting tx
It must have been over 3 months since I have been able to claim rewards. EVMOS really is turning into a dumpster fire.
Swan Kim
hey everyone - we've finally addressed this issue with Lava.
please check now!
Same issue, it's been at least weeks and probably months since I was able to connect
Swan Kim
You should be able to now
Randy Hunt jonny
Randy Hunt
Swan Kim: Metamask still not connecting and no luck on claiming
Swan Kim
in progress
Swan Kim
We're looking into debugging this - it might be a faulty rpc bug. We'll see and get back to you here!
Randy Hunt
Swan Kim: just checked about an hour ago and Metamask still wouldn’t connect with EVMOS network